Recently I watched a summary video on the books of M J Demarco posted by James Jani (links are given in references). The content has provoked me to write my second blog. Overall the thought process is about what billionaires do the different work than a normal middle class person (or family). If you are already a billionaire stop reading further!!
School education and domestic environment around money:
Money as a subject is never taught in any education system and not even in CA, CS or MBA (Finance) classes!! Sounds strange? It’s not really! I know few of them who take advice for investments. My point is taking advice of a subject expert is always preferable but generally we believe money is equal to finance in a school curriculum, which is wrong.
Any school education system anywhere in the world never teaches their students about:
– What is money?
– How it’s produced (into the banking system)?
– Why rich (always) get richer?
– What a rich person do things differently to earn tons of money?
– Importance of money management, investments and insurance.
Why? Simply because, it’s not in the interest of Governments or rich people to make you wealthy. They don’t need producers but consumers! Yes, as a middle class you are the consumer that consumes what the producers (rich people and Governments) makes.
(At this point, again for revision of my last blog, want to mention what I mean by Rich, Wealthy or a billionaire. They don’t work in a 9-5 schedule and also they don’t worry about their bills to be paid or loan EMIs to be paid off. That’s why they are Rich, Wealthy or a billionaire).
Second point is about the environment we get inside our home. Typical middle class parents always give one simple advice to their children:
“Study hard, get a good job and become rich!”
à This is a FAKE advice. This is what the Governments and rich people want you to believe in.
A very good line I have read long back- if you’re born poor it’s not your fault but if you die poor than it’s your fault.
It’s not the parents’ fault to give such an advice but that is what they also got from their parents only! They are simply passing that piece of advice to you.
Stop chasing money (The money trap):
At first, stop chasing the money. Believe in this sentence!
Break the stereotype of a 9-5 job. Even if you’re a small time shopkeeper or a doctor you are still a 9-5 job doer as you are doing job of your clients or patients.
So what’s the point? What could be the possible solution?
Look for a problem around you; find solution to that problem and then build a business around that solution.
Think about Jeff Bezos, richest person as of today. Founded Amazon.
He solved problems using technologies.
There are plenty of such examples, even in India.
A. Velumani, Founded Thyrocare.
These all examples are of self-made smart people only. They worked smartly, solved a problem around them and then built a business system to serve the society and eventually the idea clicked and they became rich!
This is not an easy task. Not all of us can do it but at least we can try or at least we should encourage our children to take such a challenge.
Just don’t give your children the fake advice.
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az6NibAUf7Y&list=LL&index=2&t=97s
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RJpIqD8MGg&list=LL&index=3&t=950s
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mRbDEtDoyA&list=LL&index=7
– The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime! By M J Demarco
– Unscripted by M J Demarco
its a boosting and thought provoking blog…very much helpful thanks
True.. Problem solver always makes a difference..!!
True. All depends on our attitude and our involvement for any cause. We can find numerous solutions when we look differently any job and even our own life. Keep it up Nikunj, you are doing excellent services in all your activities.